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  What are you waiting for? gets your business on the web and allows you to change anything and everything. You have full control over your webpage. In just 10 minutes, your businesses can be available online, searchable by anyone looking for your services or products! There's no better advertising than free advertising.
Select the appropriate package below and click Continue to get started.

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If you have any questions about signing up on, you can contact us at Double Edge Technologies 667-9000.

Why is it FREE?
Double Edge Technologies offers as a service to the community and small businesses of Wilkes. We know the importance of advertising for small businesses and realize that many companies do not have sufficient advertising budgets to supply a company website. Double Edge Technologies benefits from the service by maintaining the right to advertise ourselves on However, if your company does have a website, is an excellent way to drive traffic to it. Support your local businesses and the economy by using to find services or products you are looking for from local companies.

CLICK HERE to view Basic Finance Inc.
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